The words for this week's ten word challenge were: humanity, shadow, ricochet, wrong, pluralism, mathematics, person-hood, printing press, ink spot, choral society Mini Challenge: kingdom, take names, best seller, three times, inner demons
"Why, oh why do I do this to myself when I know I'll feel like my head is being crushed by a very large printing press. I see whirling ink spots in front of my eyes. Oh, my very person-hood is being tested."
Alonzo thought back over the repeated times he had had a chocolate hangover. He prided himself on being open minded, even obsessively pluralistic. He never chided his friends who were alcoholics or drug addicts. "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Right?" As he did his mathematics to figure out this problem, the number of chocolate hangovers grew to unfathomable statistics. He knew he had to do something to put an end to his insane behavior. He wondered what in the world could produce the same effects of euphoria as chocolate.
He had seen a notice of a meeting of Chocolates Anonymous in the Sunday paper. He called his friend Willie Y. who suffered from the exact same affliction. Willie Y. agreed to meet him at St. Mark's Episcopal Church on Friday night at 8:00 p.m. The ladies of the Choral Society were meeting at the same place same time. As Alonzo walked past the group of lovely ladies singing their hearts out for God, he stopped dead in his tracks. Up in the choir loft in the very last row, he spotted a gorgeous yellow pussy cat with a tale nearly as grand as his. His eyes popped as he saw what she held in her hands. Instead of the bright red hymnal, she held a very large box of his very most favorite chocolates. It was love at first sight.
Alonzo coyly slipped into the choir loft and wooed the young yellow pussy cat into the stairwell.
After feeding each other chocolates until their bellies were full and the box empty, they left to go get a cup of coffee. Alonzo heard someone call his name. He turned around and there was Willie Y. with his hands on his hips. "What happened to you man?" Willie Y. asked.
"Well......(he hemmed and hawed)...I went around the block three times trying to find this damn church, and, uh, I came upon a grand Kingdom Hall where they were taking names and checking 'em twice, they were even giving out extra points if you had seen the best seller Chocolate."
Willie Y. just shook his head and walked away. He knew that Alonzo's inner demons had gotten the best of him. Who can resist a yellow pussy cat with a box of chocolates? Meowwww!
Ah, the demon chocolate! What a cruel mistress she is! And what a fun entry for this week's wordzzle! Well done. So glad that Pam introduced you to wordzzles and that you now have your own blog. You need to fix your Mr. Linky connection. It took me to hotmail or something and not here, so you may want to enter a corrected version.
Happy Wordzzling!
Haha the temptation was too great! Funny story. Welcome to wordzzles! :)
Welcome to the wonderful world of wordzzle.
Very interesting story but I think the inner demons are spilling out to get me. I have to stop reading for a chocolate.
Get your main character to a good psychologist.
This was a fun story and using my love of chocolate. Glad you joined us.
this was a delight to read - as is chocolate to eat
I love the name Alonzo and the little animated character - plus love and chocolate do go so well together
That was interesting. We dragons aren't very fond of chocolate. You humans are so strange.
But this is a good wordzzle.
We will be giving out an award for the wordzzle of the week sometime after 6:00 Eastern Time.
Candy, I am laughing so hard at this wonderful story. I love Alonzo! Of course chocolate, too!
Love you sister.
Chocolate is an excellent addiction. Of course the one thing in this world that makes you feel better is obvious. Good Story.
A chocolate hangover - ah, yes, what a wonderful addiction! :)
Loved your story and I had to smile at 'taking names and checking em'twice.'
Welcome to wordzzles AND blogging!
Raven, thank you for reading my wordzzle. A chocolate addiction is something most of us can understand. I enjoyed your story on wordzzle. You are an excellent writer. Also thanks for helping us fix Mr. Linkey.
Akelamalu, Glad you liked my story. There is so much to learn about blogging, but I'm having a blast. I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Candace
Dr. John, You know that good skunk psychologists are very difficult to find. Alonzo is seeing a good substance abuse counselor.
Bettygram, thank you for reading my wordzzle and welcoming me to blogging.
In it something is. I will know, many thanks for the information.
What good question
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